9.15 am to 4.35 pm
More than 880 pupils with 52 nationalities and up to 66 nationalities if we consider double and triple nationalities.
On average there are 25 pupils per class and one or two classes per year group in the Infant Department and two to three in Primary and Secondary Departments. Setting is used in some subjects to allow for more personalised learning and smaller groups.
Approximately 70% of our students are Spanish and 30% international, of whom around 15% are British and the rest are from all over the world. There are currently 38 nationalities in the school.
The English National Curriculum.
All academic staff teaching the English National Curriculum are qualified British teachers, with the exception of some of the language teachers, who are native speakers. Those teaching Spanish language, Spanish validation and Bachillerato are qualified native Spanish teachers.
On the whole most of our pupils speak Spanish in the playground, and so new children joining the school with little or no knowledge of the language generally pick it up very quickly. English is the language of the corridors and classrooms.
All pupils at King’s College study Spanish. Spanish pupils are required to take a minimum number of Spanish classes per week, the frequency and number depending on their age. Non-Spanish speakers are taught Spanish as a foreign language starting at age 7.
French (from Year 5) to GCSE. French, German and Chinese are available as an optional class.
At King's College we have students of many nationalities and religious beliefs. Our school considers this variety very enriching for school life. Christian, ethical, and moral values guide personal relationships in our schools and our teaching contemplates the Christian faith from an ecumenical point of view.
However, we believe that all students should have a space in our school and therefore we offer students who belong to other religions the possibility of not attending classes or celebrations of a Christian nature, if their parents so request.
During our Physical Education classes, numerous sports are taught including basketball, football, badminton, tennis, hockey, rounders, cricket, netball, volleyball, gymnastics and athletics. There are also optional classes which take place during or after the school day, (usually at lunch time or after school) and include amongst others football, basketball, volley and badminton, tennis, swimming, ballet and judo.
This depends on the age of the pupil and is reviewed on a regular basis.As a general rule, in the Infant Department no homework is set but pupils are expected to take reading books home to share with their parents. In the Primary Department, depending on their age, they are expected to carry out between one and a half hours of homework per week in Year 3, to half an hour per day plus written work at the weekends in Year 5. In addition to this they are encouraged to read in both English and Spanish every day. From Year 5 onwards pupils use a homework diary to note down any homework tasks they need to remember. In the Secondary Department pupils are set purposeful, relevant homework tasks on a regular basis following the Secondary Homework Guidelines:
Year 6 – Approximately 4-5 hours of set homework per week. This should include 2 set English and Maths tasks and 1 each of Science, Lengua, Cono and Humanities. In addition to this, pupils should be encouraged to review and reinforce work covered in school through internet exercises and research. All children should be reading in English for at least 20 minutes every day.
Year 7 – Approximately 6-7 hours of set homework per week. This should include 2 set English and Maths tasks and 1 each of all other subjects. In addition to this, pupils should be encouraged to review and reinforce work covered in school through internet exercises and research. All children should be reading in English for at least 30 minutes every day.
Year 8 – Approximately 7-8 hours of set homework per week. This should include 2 set English, Maths Science and tasks and 1 each of all other subjects. In addition to this, pupils should be encouraged to review and reinforce work covered in school through internet exercises and research. All children should be reading in English for at least 30 minutes every day.
Year 9 – Approximately 8-10 hours of set homework per week. This should include 2 set tasks for English, Maths, Science and Lengua and 1 each of all other subjects. In addition to this, pupils should be encouraged to review and reinforce work covered in school through internet exercises and research. All children should be reading in English for at least 30 minutes every day.
Years 10 and 11 – students receive approximately 2 hours homework per night with assignments at the weekend.
At King’s College School in La Moraleja, pupils in advance (I)GCSE (Cambridge) exams, mainly Spanish as a Foreign Language in Year 9. In Year 11, they take IGCSE (Cambridge) and once they move to Soto de Viñuelas campus, GCE A Level (Edexcel) examinations as well as Spanish university entrance examinations.
Students who finish their education at King’s College enter universities all over the world. In the past, the majority of ex-students have entered British universities and a considerable number have been admitted to top institutions such as, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College and LSE. Other prestigious universities have entered include Durham, St. Andrew’s, Edinburgh, Manchester and numerous colleges belonging to the University of London. Some students have preferred to attend Spanish universities (UAM, Complutense, Carlos III, etc.) and many others have decided to continue their higher education in other parts of the world and have gained entry to universities in the USA (Boston College, Harvard, MIT, New York, Princeton and Rutgers), Canada (McGill, Dalhousie, University of Toronto and Waterloo), France (Sorbonne) and Japan (Aoyama, ICU, Keio, Sofia, Tokio, Tsukubu and Waseda), as well as in Australia, Chile, Korea,Turkey, Venezuela, etc.
The minimum time we can normally accept students is for one whole academic year. However, for certain courses at King’s College School, the minimum stay is two full academic years. This is true of the (I)GCSE course in Years 10 & 11 and the A Level (AS & A2) courses in Years 12 and 13 in Soto de Viñuelas, which are integral 2 years programmes.
Pupils at King’s College are used to welcoming newcomers and on the whole are very friendly and helpful. The Heads of the different departments make sure that “buddies” are always on hand to show newcomers the ropes at first.However, much depends on the attitude of the new student and how willing he/she is to make new friends and join in with the rest.
The first step in the admissions process is to complete the enquiry form in the Admissions section of our website: https://www.madridlamoraleja.kingscollegeschools.org/admissions/enquire-online or by contacting the Admissions Department directly at kcs.admissions@kingscollegeschools.org. The procedures for admission vary slightly according to the age of the candidate. Please see Admissions, “Entry Requirements”. Infants are required to provide reports from the school of origin and an interview whilst Primary and Secondary candidates (Juniors and Seniors) must take entrance examinations, CAT4 GL Assessments and an essay. School reports for the two years prior to entry are also taken into consideration.
We take children with no English between the ages of 2 and 4. For a limited number of pupils between the ages of 7 and 14, we offer the Intensive English Programme or English as an Additional Language Programme. This is a special course for non-English speaking newcomers of proven academic ability, whose entry to King’s College School would not otherwise be possible. It has an additional charge per term as stated in our Fee Schedule.They receive intensive English classes in very small groups and individual support is provided in mainstream lessons.From the age of 10 onwards, however, it is recommended that new pupils have a high level of English to enter the school.
This varies greatly from year to year depending on where they intend to study after leaving King’s College (i.e. in Spain or abroad). However, the advantage our students have is that, whether they choose the British or Spanish system for their final two years of studies, because they have studied in the British system up to the age of 16, they are well prepared to study at universities abroad. Every year many students who have completed their A Levels at King’s enter Spanish universities.
King’s Infant School in Chamartín is a purpose-built Infant School for 200 pupils between the ages of 2 and 6 years, which follow exactly the same curriculum as the schools in La Moraleja (3 to 16 years) and in Soto de Viñuelas (2 to 18 years). At the age of 7 (Year 3), children automatically transfer to the main school in Soto de Viñuelas or to King’s College School in La Moraleja.
King’s College School in La Moraleja caters to 625 pupils from the age of 3 to 16 years who then transfer to the main school at Soto de Viñuelas after meeting the requirements for entrance into Year 12.
King’s College at Soto de Viñuelas is the main school site in Madrid and caters for over 1500 pupils between the ages of 2 and 18 years (Pre-Nursery to Year 13). It is located in an attractive 12 acre site in the countryside between the city and the Guadarrama Mountains, but well connected to the city centre by bus and rail.
King’s College I/GCSE Exam Boards and Course Numbers:
Biology – Edexcel
Chemistry – Edexcel
Computer Science- Edexcel
Drama- Edexcel
Economics – Edexcel
English 1st Language – Edexcel
English Literature – Edexcel
French – Edexcel
Geography – Edexcel
German – Edexcel
History – Edexcel
Information and Communication Technology – Edexcel
Mathematics – Edexcel
Media Studies – AQA
Music – Edexcel
Physics – Edexcel
Spanish – Edexcel
King’s College AS Exam Boards and Course Numbers:
Art – Edexcel
Applied Business – AQA
Biology – Edexcel
Chemistry – Edexcel
Economics – Edexcel
English Literature – Edexcel
French – Edexcel
Further Mathematics – Edexcel
Geography – AQA
History – AQA
Information and Communication Technology – AQA
Mathematics – Edexcel
Media Studies – AQA
Music – CIE
Psychology – AQA
Physics – Edexcel
Spanish – Edexcel
You can arrange a visit by contacting the Head of Admissions, Nuria Sanz (kcs.admissions@kingscollegeschools.org) or by calling the school directly on +34 91 658 5540. Nuria will be happy to show you and your family the school and answer any questions you may have about us.
As per our fees schedule:
- Tuition fees cover tuition
- Charges cover the use of school books and materials, medical assistance and some educational day trips
- Lunch fee includes lunch and an afternoon snack for the Infant Department
- There are additional fees for the Intensive English Programme, school transport, extra hour supervisionNot included are:
- Non-refundable enrolment fee of 1.250€ to be paid upon acceptance of our offer of a place. This is a one-time only fee. There is also an advance of 1.000€ for Nursery places to be discounted from Term 1 fees. Children of alumni have special conditions.
- Annual re-enrolment fee of 600€ added to the invoice during Term 3 which is an advance to be discounted from the next academic year’s Term 1 fees upon the return of the student. If the family gives formal notification of leaving in January, this fee will not be charged and a place will not be held for the student for the next academic year
- Fees for optional trips where they sleep over
- Uniforms
- Official Exams ((I)GCSEs, A Levels) as they will depend on subjects
The Contact Book is used for daily contact with your child’s teacher. Email is also available for staff and up to date information is available on our school website. There is a monthly newsletter and all dates for events are updated throughout the year. You can contact the school through the main school telephone number (+34 91 658 5540) or school email (info.lamoraleja@kingscollege.es). All teachers give their email to parents so that close communication is ensured for the benefit of our home school partnership.
In case of emergency, you should primarily contact the School Reception, who shall be able to deal with the particular matter directly, and where necessary contact your child.
PLEASE NOTE: Pupils are not permitted to have mobile telephones or any other similar device on the school premises. For pupils who need to have these items for any special need, pupils should hand the device to reception at the start of the school day and pick them up once school finishes.
No, it is compulsory for all pupils to eat the meals provided by the school. We will cater to special diets for medical reasons backed by a medical report and for religious reasons. These special diets must be identified to the school’s office, the nurse and your child’s teacher.
Reports will be issued on a termly basis.
If parents will be absent, the school’s office and their teacher must be informed and contact details provided for those people authorised to collect children from school and in charge of the minors in the parents’ absence. It is of utmost importance that you maintain your contact details updated at school so that we can contact you in case of an emergency.