An Inspired School


School Uniform Pre Nursery and Nursery

KC La Moraleja Uniform

Boys & Girls:


  • Green KC tracksuit & KC short sleeved white polo shirt
  • Navy or black shoes that fasten with velcro or white or navy blue sports shoes that are appropriate for running/climbing etc.
  • Navy or white socks
  • Navy blue coat or anorak.
  • Navy blue hat/scarf (optional)


  • White polo shirt or white short sleeved shirt and navy blue shorts KC
  • King's College summer cap.

Babi - Obligatory for all Pre Nursery and Nursery pupils (recommended minimum of 2)

School Uniform Reception


Boys & Girls:


  • White short sleeved King’s College polo shirt
  • Grey trousers that can be managed independently (boys) or tartan pinafore dress (girls)
  • Navy V necked jersey or cardigan with school emblem
  • Navy or black shoes (appropriate for running and climbing and no laces)
  • Navy socks or tights
  • Full sportswear - shirt, shorts, navy blue tracksuit, white trainers with Velcro,
  • Navy blue coat or anorak
  • Navy blue hat/scarf (optional)


  • White, short sleeved King’s College polo shirt or white King’s College P.E. t shirt
  • King's College Blue shorts or boys may wear tailored grey shorts
  • King's College Summer Cap

Babi - Obligatory for all Reception pupils (recommended minimum 2)

School Uniform Year 1 and Year 2


Boys & Girls:


  • Plain white long sleeved shirt/blouse or Kings College polo
  • Grey trousers (boys) or tartan pinafore dress (girls). Year 2 girls may wear the tartan skirt.
  • Navy V necked jersey or cardigan with school emblem
  • Navy or black shoes (no laces)
  • Navy socks or tights
  • Full sportswear - P.E. t-shirt with school emblem, navy blue shorts with school emblem, navy blue tracksuit, trainers navy blue/black/white (Plain White trainers)
  • Navy blue coat or anorak
  • Navy blue hat/scarf (optional)


  • White, short sleeved King’s College polo shirt or t shirt
  • Blue P.E. shorts (King’s College).


  • White, short sleeved King’s College polo shirt
  • Grey shorts (boys) or tartan pinafore dress (girls)

Babi -  Obligatory for all Year 1 pupils for terms 1

Swimming Pool Uniform

  • King’s College blue swimsuit or swimming trunks with logo
  • King’s College swimming hat
  • Swimming socks (bought from Decathlon)

School Uniform Year 3 -11

General (winter and summer)


Clean navy blue or black leather shoes to be worn by all. Boots, booties, yacht shoes or trainers are not permitted.

Additional items

No coloured T-shirts or undergarments with coloured designs should be worn under the shirt or blouse. 


Earrings are not permitted for boys and in the case of girls, only one pair of simple studs is permitted. Rings, bracelets (including fabric) and necklaces are not permitted in school, if worn students will be asked to remove them and they may be confiscated.


Watches may be worn but smart watches are not permitted. 


Natural hair colour only. Boys’ hair should be no longer than the collar of the shirt. Facial hair is not permitted and boys must appear clean shaven as appropriate for their age.

P.E. Kit

Pupils may only wear the College official sports kit for P.E. lessons and club activities. This can be purchased from the College Shop. Trainers must be of plain design and suitable for the sporting activities being undertaken. PE hooded sweatshirts may be worn for P.E. lessons. TIghts may not be worn with the PE kit. If children would prefer to wear warmer clothes then they may wear the school tracksuit bottoms. On the days that students have PE lessons, they may wear PE uniform for the entirety of the day. 

PE Kit La Moraleja School


Girls’ skirts must be the official College design purchased from the School Shop. Skirts must be worn to an appropriate length, just above or to the knee. Blue tights, blue knee-length socks or official school socks may be worn with skirts. Ankle socks or trainer liners are not permitted. 

Winter uniform 


Boys and girls may wear trousers which should be tailored, dark grey in colour and be made of wool, polyester or a wool/polyester mix. Cotton trousers of any type are not allowed, e.g. jeans, chinos etc. Trousers must be worn above the hips, with no underwear showing.


Girls’ skirts must be the official College design purchased from the School Shop. Skirts must be worn to an appropriate length, just above or to the knee. Blue tights, blue knee-length socks or official school socks may be worn with skirts. Ankle socks or trainer liners are not permitted. 


Belts must be black and plain, with a plain buckle.


During ‘Winter Uniform’ all students must wear a school blazer at all times unless given permission by a member of staff to remove it.


Formal, white shirts must be worn during the winter uniform. Both boys and girls must tuck their shirt in to their trousers or skirt. 


During winter uniform boys must wear the official school tie with shirt buttons done up to the top button of the shirt. 


Jumpers must be navy blue, v-necked and have the school badge.

Summer uniform

  • Polo shirts
  • Instead of formal shirts, blazers and ties - children may wear the official school polo shirts.
  • The rest of the uniform remains as it does during winter. 

Our shop opening times are:

Mondays – 09.00 – 13.30

Tuesdays – 09.00 – 13.30

Wednesdays – 09.00 – 13.30

Thursdays – 09.00 – 13.30

Fridays – 09.00 – 17.00

Contact telephone numbers for the shop:   91 650 7435 (Shop)  or  91 658 5540 (Reception).

To attend the uniform store it is necessary to make an appointment, writing a request to the following email address: